Amy in the Media

Published articles & guest blogs, speaking engagements, and broadcast appearances…


CWJ issue 61 Sep-Dec 2015 blog adPUBLISHED ARTICLES & GUEST BLOGS

“The Subtleties of Intuition”, Crazy Wisdom Blog, Aug. 2015

“Intuition: Everybody’s Got It”Crazy Wisdom Journal, Sep.–Dec. 2015, page 92 of electronic version




HGTV’s “House Hunters” show!    Househunters_logo

Househunters-HouseI was chosen by Crazy Wisdom Bookstore to give a reading to the young woman who was house-hunting during a taping of the HGTV show “House Hunters” in Ann Arbor in summer 2012. Here’s what I remembered from the reading, which I emailed to friends in March 2013 when the air date of this show was announced (before I saw the show on April 8, 2013): “I saw a house on the Old West Side that would be different from the other houses on the street, small and older…I can still see it in my mind. It was dark brown and beige outside, a big covered front porch, and it also had an upper room with slanted ceilings like an A-frame does…” Here is a photo of the house JUST AS I SAW IT, taken from the video of the show! The episode is periodically broadcast on HGTV; a shorter clip is archived on the HGTV website (but doesn’t include my appearance).




center of enlightenment ferndale“Activate Your Spiritual Attractor System”, Sermon at the Jackson Spiritual Center in Jackson, MI (formerly Corinthians Spiritual Center), on Sunday, July 21, 2019

“We’re All One”, Sermon at the Center of Enlightenment in Ferndale, MI, on Sunday, November 25, 2018

“Sermon on Gratitude”, Sermon at the Center of Enlightenment in Ferndale, MI, on Sunday, November 12, 2017

“Intuition: It Comes in a Whisper”, Sermon at the Corinthians Spiritual Center in Jackson, MI on Sunday, June 12, 2016

“Everyone’s Got Intuition — and How to Enhance It”, Sermon at the Corinthians Spiritual Center in Jackson, MI on Sunday, June 14, 2015